Szeged, March 24-30, 2014
A VI. Nemzetközi Bartók Béla Zongoraverseny programja
2014. március 24., hétfő/Monday - Fricsay terem
18.00 A zongoraverseny ünnepélyes megnyitója/Opening ceremony
Mocsári Károly hangversenye/Concert by Károly Mocsári
Közreműködik: Zsigmond Zoltán/With Zoltán Zsigmond
március 25., kedd/Tuesday - Fricsay terem
10.30 Elődöntő/Preliminary round
16.00 Elődöntő/Preliminary round
március 26., szerda/Wednesday - Fricsay terem
10.30 Elődöntő/Preliminary round
16.00 Elődöntő/Preliminary round
16.00-19.00: Fogadás a versenyzők részére az Alink-Argerich Alapítvány jóvoltából./Reception for all participants, offered by the Alink-Argerich Foundation.
19.00 A középdöntőbe jutottak névsorának kihirdetése/Announcement of the semi-finalists
március 27., csütörtök/Thursday - Fricsay terem
10.30 Középdöntő/Semi-finals
16.00 Középdöntő/Semi-finals
19.00 A döntőbe jutottak névsorának kihirdetése/Announcement of the finalists
március 28., péntek/Friday
10.00-13.00 Zenekari próba a Szegedi Szimfonikus Zenekarral/Orchestral rehearsal with the Szeged Symphony Orchestra
Helyszín: Korzó Zeneház/Location: Korzó Music House
19.00-22.00 Zenekari próba a Szegedi Szimfonikus Zenekarral/Orchestral rehearsal with the Szeged Symphony Orchestra
Helyszín: Korzó zeneház/Location: Korzó Music House
március 29., szombat/Saturday - Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra
15.00 Főpróba/Dress rehearsal
18.00 Döntő/Final round
Közreműködik a Szegedi Szimfonikus Zenekar, vezényel Gyüdi Sándor/With the Szeged Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sándor Gyüdi
Az eredményhirdetés előtt/Dance performance before the awards ceremony
Szeged Táncegyüttes Babszem Tánccsoportja Dél-Alföldi és Szatmári koreográfiát táncol
Művészeti vezető: Kolonics Erika/Artistic Director: Erika Kolonics
20.30 Eredményhirdetés és díjátadás/Awards ceremony
A zongoraversenyhez kapcsolódó programok:
március 28., péntek/Friday
16.00 Bartók emlékszoba ünnepélyes avatása/Dedication ceremony of Bartók memorial room
Helyszín: Tisza Szálló/Location: Tisza Hotel
március 30., vasárnap/Sunday
Hangverseny Nagyszentmiklóson, Bartók Béla szülővárosában/Concert in Nagyszentmiklós, birthplace of Béla Bartók
Competition Announcement
The Music Department of the University of Szeged is pleased to announce the 6th International Béla Bartók Piano Competition, to be held between March 25-30, 2014. The competition will take place in Szeged (Hungary), at the Ferenc Fricsay Concert Hall. (Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 79-81)
The goal of the competition is to provide an opportunity to piano students and young artists to showcase their talents in the city of Szeged, located near Béla Bartók’s birthplace – Nagyszentmiklós. The two cities have had an excellent partnership for years now and this competition mutually enriches their cultural ties. Our further vision besides nurturing musical talent is to present performance opportunity to the most worthy musicians.
The competition consists of three rounds. The preliminary and semi-final rounds are dedicated to solo works, while in the final round a concerto will be performed with orchestral accompaniment. In the first and second round the repertoire must include one selection from each category listed (a,b,c,d). A single piece or set of pieces should be chosen from the list under entry d).
With the exception of the compulsory composition in the semi-final round by Péter Tóth (Waltz without tonality), all pieces are to be performed by memory.
I. Preliminary round (max. 25 minutes)
a) one virtuoso Sonata by Scarlatti
b) one piece by Franz Liszt
c) selections from Bartók: For Children (Books I-IV)
d) one piece, or selections from the following Bartok pieces:
Fourteen Bagatelles, Op.6, BB 50 (selections)
Ten Easy Pieces, BB 51
Three Burlesques, Op. 8c, BB 55 (I., II., III., burlesque)
Allegro Barbaro, BB 63
Romanian Christmas Songs, BB 67 (I., II. set)
Romanian Folk Dances, BB 68
Sonatina, BB 69
Three Rondos on Folk Tunes, BB 92 (I., II., III. rondo)
II. Semi-final round (max. 35 minutes)
a) Waltz without tonality by Péter Tóth (Kontrapunkt Music Ltd - edition)
b) one Etude by Chopin, Rachmaninov, Skriabin, Prokofiev, Dohnányi or Ligeti
c) one piece or cycle by Debussy
d) one piece or selections from the following Bartók pieces:
Two Romanian Folk Dances, Op. 8a, BB 56 - 1. Allegro vivace
Two Romanian Folk Dances, Op. 8a, BB 56 - 2. Poco allegro
Suite, Op. 14, BB 70
Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs, BB 79
Studies, Op. 18, BB 81
Eights Improvizations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op. 20, BB 83
Sonata for Piano, BB 88
Out of Doors, BB 89 (I., II. book)
Mikrokosmos, BB 105, V., VI. book
III. Final round - choice of any one concerto from the following:
Mozart: Concerto in G Major, K. 453
Mozart: Concerto in d Minor, K. 466
Mozart: Concerto in C Major, K. 467
Mozart: Concerto in A Major, K. 488
Liszt: Concerto in A Major
Liszt: Concerto in E-flat Major
Liszt: Totentanz
Bartók: Piano Concerto No. 3
The concerto will be performed with the Szeged Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sándor Gyüdi.
The gala concert will take place in Nagyszentmiklós, Romania, at the Nákó-Castle.
Panel of Judges:
György Nádor - Chairman of the Jury (HU) Professor Emeritus of Piano, the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest
Ferenc Kerek - pianist (HU) Head of Piano Department, University of Szeged Music Department
Károly Mocsári - international concert pianist (HU)
Felicia Stankovici - pianist (RO), Professor of the Temesvár Vest University Music Department
Boldizsár Csíky - composer (RO) Professor of the Marosvásárhely University Music Department
Competition rules and application procedures:
Applications are accepted from all countries by competitiors born after January 1, 1979.
1st,2nd and 3rd place winners of the 5th International Béla Bartók Piano Competition are not eligible to apply.
Application fee: 30.000 HUF
Bank Account number: 57400217-10117688 Fontana Credit Takarékszövetkezet
Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola Szegedi Konzervatóriumának Alapítványa
IBAN HU84 5740 0217 1011 7688 0000 0000
Application fees are non-refundable in case of withdrawal from the competition for any reason.
Contestants are financially responsible for their own travel expenses and accommodation.
Application deadline: February 1, 2014 moved to Februar 15, 2014
compulsory work: Péter Tóth: Walse without tonality
application form
The following documents must accompany your application:
- proof/confirmation of application fee payment
- passport size photo (1)
- list of selected repertoire
- short professional biography.
The application form can be downloaded from
Please attach the completed application form and send it via email to Zoltán Kalmár, at
All participants should bring a valid passport to the competition.
1st Prize: 500.000 HUF (cca. 2000 USA$)
2ndPrize: 400.000 HUF (cca. 1600 USA $)
3rdPrize: 300.000HUF (cca. 1200 USA $)
Special Prizes:
100.000HUF (cca. 400 USA $)for the best competitior enrolled in the University of Szeged piano program.
50.000HUF (cca. 200 USA $)for the best performance of the compulsory work by Péter Tóth.
Additional prizes and concert engagements will be awarded by the Jury as well.
The Judges reserve the right to rearrange the distribution of prizes.
The decision of the Jury is final and not subject to questions, revisions or any kind of (including legal) appeal.
All competition events may be broadcast and recorded by the media. By participating, contestants waive their rights to compensation for such audio and video recordings.
In case of disputes, the Hungarian law prevails.
Wishing all competitors an exciting preparation!
- the competition organizers -